
Instagram is one of the most popular photo and video-sharing social networking service all over the world. And it also allows you to send messages to others. Monitor what your child sent or shared on Instagram with Surveilstar for Android to pretect them from being a victim to these online predators.

WITH Surveilstar for Android YOU CAN:
  • View all shared links via Instagram direct messages
  • Browse all messages your child sent or received
compatible with:
  • Android 5.0+
Available in:
  • Premium package

    Start monitoring your child's phone with Surveilstar for Android. Learn more

  • Ultimate package

    Activate all features with Surveilstar for Android Ultimate parental control solution. Learn more

Why will you find this feature useful?

As one of the most popular social networking service, Instagram has billions of users all over the world. If you child also like sharing life or direct on Instagram, you need to make sure they didn't sent or shared inappropriate contents, and take care of these hiding online predators who might hurt your child.

With Surveilstar for Android, you are able to view all direct messages sent as well as the shared links in direct messages so that you can ensure that your child didn't send inappropriate contents.

HOW SurveilStar for Android WORKS
Create An Account

Simply register a SurveilStar for Android account on our site. Complete the steps and check your email for the installation instructions.

Install and Set Up

Download SurveilStar for Android app and install the mobile tracking software onto your child’s phone, then make necessary settings.

Start Tracking

Log in to SurveilStar for Android’s Control Panel to start tracking messaging apps, GPS location, multimedia content and any other activities taking place on the monitored device.

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