If you are worried about the whereabouts of your child, Surveilstar for Android helps you to track the location your child is visiting by checking the name of the WiFi access point his phone connects with.
Start monitoring your child's phone with Surveilstar for Android. Learn more
Activate all features with Surveilstar for Android parental control solution. Learn more
To get notified of any location changing by tracking Wi-Fi hotspots when your child connects to them. We are living in a world full of WiFi hotspots which makes Wi-Fi Networks tracking more accurate and effective.
Surveilstar for Android removes your worries about your child by analyzing your child's Wi-Fi connection. The correct time of the Wi-Fi hotspots your child's device connects with, the name of the Wi-Fi access point, and the real-time location information are available via Wi-Fi signals. Surveilstar for Android let you be sure about what your child is doing and where he is.
Simply register a SurveilStar for Android account on our site. Complete the steps and check your email for the installation instructions.
Download SurveilStar for Android app and install the mobile tracking software onto your child’s phone, then make necessary settings.
Log in to SurveilStar for Android’s Control Panel to start tracking messaging apps, GPS location, multimedia content and any other activities taking place on the monitored device.