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On-line Privacy Protection

Nowadays Internet truly makes life easier and more convenient. But we also confronts serious problems of privacy leakage. With Surveilstar, you can ensure your on-line safety and protect computer security in a comfortable way. Learn more...

On-line Privacy Protecting Software

The Internet touches almost every part of our lives, it erases physical barriers and makes many things around us convenient. Using Internet, we can shop on-line, have immediate chats with friends and family, apply for a job, socialize, listen music, watch TV plays... Also, we are provided with accesses to valuable resources we dare not imagine years before thus expanding our knowledge scope. But companied with its wide usage, risks of information leakage also rise. We are now facing much more severe privacy problems than ever. How do we ensure Internet safety? Is it possible for us to protect our on-line privacy with modern technology? YES, Surveilstar is a good helper on that.

on-line privacy

Does on-line activity leak our information?

Everything we have done on Internet will provide information to those service providers. For example, you may save your account & password of a website on the web browser you are using. Thus, the Internet service provider and browser developer may track your on-line activity and store them as temp files or something else. Also, have you ever recalled- when you are attempting to install an app on your computer or Android phone or other devices via Google webstore, Google will note you that your location, IP address and other information will be offered to the app provider? When you try to register a website account for some reasons, will it ask for your phone number and home address? Have you ever wondered if it is really necessary? And will it violate your privacy? Is there no privacy at all on the cyber world? Anyway, it is not hard to imagine your every possible move on Internet may be known by others. Worse still, such thing may lead you get stuck in data leakage messes.

Why it is important for us to protect Internet security to avoid privacy violation?

Frauds (especially card fraud) are severe privacy problems we face in reality. In fact, such frauds are also common in cyber world. When we type our card information into a shopping website, identity theft is on the rise- our credit card information is provided which makes it possible for criminals to take advantages of it. They may fake our identities, deceive or blackmail us, or simply make us suffer a lot from the process.

Try Surveilstar 30 days trial for 5 computers' monitoring now.

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How to use Surveilstar to protect Internet safety?

Surveilstar is a powerful computer monitoring software which does not require your close connections with other computers. Because even in non-LAN, the software is also able to work. If any suspicious activities related to data leakage of either your own computer or the computer you want to protect are on, Surveilstar will be able to capture it and let you be aware of it.

Step 1. Follow the step by step instructions of Surveilstar to install it on computers.
Step 2. Enter console to view every on-line activity of any user. You can-
Watch real-time screen to see what websites the monitored computer user is browsing.
2. You can export see browsing details using any supported browsers via Menu.
3. You can export websites log files and see Internet statistics of the web browsing.
web monitoring4. You can also set policy to stop suspicious websites visiting to avoid data leakage and ensure on-line safety.
5. Many more... a 360 degree solution for protecting Internet privacy.