SurveilStar -- Everything About Surveillance
SurveilStar is an Employee Surveillance software for real time network computer monitoring and content filting, and for employees' work time tracking. Employee Activity Monitor allows you invisibly monitor your entire network from one contralized position, such as email, instant message, print Jobs, FTP file transfer, websites visited, applications used.
- Take Screen Snapshots
- Email Monitoring
- Instant Message Monitoring
- Website Visit Monitoring
- Application Monitoring
- Document Monitoring
- Printing Monitoring
- Network Monitoring
- Computer Maintenance
- Data & User Management
- Complete Online Guides
- Video Tutorials
- SurveilStar Testimonials
- Deploying SurveilStar
- SurveilStar Home Edition
- Free Activity Monitor
- Free Email Recording
- SurveilStar Press Release
- Version Comparison
- Feature Module Comparison
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All Things Computer/Internet Surveillance
News, techniques, researches, reviews, resources...

- Employer's concerns: Internet/email abuse and employee monitoring
- SurveilStar in Software Download Sites
- Employee monitoring research resources (1)
- Introducing computer internet surveillance software
- New release of SurveilStar monitoring software
- Prevent email & Internet abuses with SurveilStar
- A Company Computer and Questions about E-Mail Privacy
- A Different Type of Computer Monitor
- Bosses using internet to monitor activities of staff
- Companies flock to internet filtering
- From Wikipedia: Computer surveillance
- From Wikipedia: Data theft
- E-mail in haste, repent at leisure
- E-mail: Our right to write?
- Employee Monitoring: Is There Privacy in the Workplace?
- How can your boss monitor you?
- Internet abuse costs big money
- Internet Abuse
- Monitoring employee e-mail Avoid stalking and illegal Internet conduct
- Monitoring employee email: Efficient workplaces vs Employee privacy
- From Wikipedia: Network Management
- From Wikipedia: Network monitoring
- Obscene e-mail puts lawyers in trouble
- Protecting privacy and monitoring e-mail
- Should your e-mails be screened at work?
- Software watching while you work
- Surfing for porn costs jobs
- Tech firm in e-mail abuse crackdown
- Watching how you work
- Who’s Snooping on You at Work?
- Workplace data theft runs rampant
- 2007 Electronic Monitoring & Surveillance Survey: Over Half of All Employers Combined...
- 45% of big firms monitor workers
- Analysis: Insiders a major security threat
- Analysis: Your PC could be watching you
- Battling workplace theft
- Big Brother Is Watching
- 'Call Quality Practices 2008' Research Conducted During Early 2007 Sought to Better...
- Caution: Big business is watching employees
- Cyber-security enters boardroom
- Cyberveillance at work
- Dow fires more employees over inappropriate e-mails
- Employee study cites rampant Internet abuse
- Employer e-snooping measure nears vote
- Ex-State Dept. Employee admits passport snooping
- Ex-Wal-Mart worker admits to spy campaign
- Foreign Affairs Committee to Investigate Passport Snooping Case
- Ford eyeing bathroom breaks
- Fired Wal-Mart worker claims surveillance ops: report
- Germans urge tougher laws after new privacy scandal
- Inside jobs: Is there a hacker in the next cubicle?
- Employee Internet Monitoring Research Resources (2)
- Employee Internet Monitoring Research Resources (3)
- Web watcher
- PC surveillance
- Is spy software legal?
- What can network monitoring softwae do?
- What can network management softwae do?
- Monitor Internet activities with surveillance software
- IT shops balance security, privacy
- It's Time to Start Trusting the Workforce
- Is your boss spying on you?
- Monitoring e-mail: Management or thought police?
- Monitoring employees: Eyes in the workplace
- Poll: Office a hotspot for sex surfing
- Sexy e-mail explodes into controversy
- Security Survey Reveals Exiting Employees Have the Power
- Study: Monitoring of employee e-mail escalates
- Survey Reveals Scandal of Snooping IT Staff
- The Great Date Heist
- The legal traps of e-mail
- Tighter rules on workplace snooping
- Time Warner employee data missing
- Too many e-traders surfing at work
- U.K. e-mail snooping bill passed
- UK eyeing Internet privacy protections for workers
- U.K. snoop law may conflict with EU Human Rights Act
- Viruses boost 'Big Brother' software
- Wal-Mart says has strengthened security protocols
- Keystroke monitoring with keystroke logger
- Emails monitoring and IM filtering
- Protect your business and stop data theft
- Surveilstar monitor protect your business
- Web monitoring and website filtering
- News insiders a majoy security threat